
SYNOPSYS™15.69 版本发布

The update to version 15.69 incorporates the following changes:


1.The Zoom Slider now has a Stop button. Click it and the zoom scan freezes at the current position so you can examine it if you wish.

2.The logic related to the stopsign button has been revised. Before, the program would wait for certain routines to finish before halting -- and some of those reset the condition.Now optimization halts almost immediately if you want to stop it.

3.The default switch setting now places switch 1 OFF.That switch drops bounded variables,which makes optimization run faster since they almost always want to continue violating, which takes time to sort out all over again each pass. But if a TH variable is dropped, then when you run the annealing program, it will ignore edge violations via the AEC monitor, since that only applies to current TH variables, and once dropped they no longer apply.

4.ZSEARCH now has a new ZSPACE ITEMIZE feature that lets you specify the exact object parameters and target GIHT at every zoom position. The other spacing options do this automatically,which is better for most users, but if you really want explicit control,now you have it.You are reminded that if your input violates Lagrange's law,the results might make little sense.

5.The default thickness limit parameters (TLIM) are no longer also set by changing space limits (SLIM).It seems to make sense to keep them separate.

6.Drawings in PAD and DWG now show if the object is immersed.If so,they draw a diamond shape touching the object surface,the color (in PAD) derived from the index and dispersion of that medium.

Bugs Fixed:

1.OPD calculations were incorrect if the lens was in AFOCAL mode and had an odd number of reflections.

2.The ZMC command (to convert a Zemax file) did not work properly on zoom lenses.

3.The SCAO aberration did not work properly.

4.If you ran a multiconfiguration Monte-Carlo tolerance analysis more than once, it could crash the program.