
SYNOPSYS™15.71 版本发布

The update to version 15.71 incorporates the following changes:


1.The Zemax conversion program ZMC has been modified. Some zmx files come in with a conic constant of zero, but SYNOPSYS treats any surface with a declared CC to be aspheric, which affects many other features, such as graphics rendering. Now it checks, and if the CC is zero, it does not add a CC directive to the RLE file. So the surface remains purely spherical.

2.DSEARCH now allows an AFOCAL directive in the GOALS section. Before, it only assigned that property if you used the current front end and it was declared there. This is more friendly.

3.The program now reorders your wavelengths if you do not observe the protocol: long first, short last. Converting from a different program can come in reversed. The only major difference is the sign of the chromatic aberrations -- but it is s good idea to be consistent everywhere.

4.PAD and DWG now illustrate an immersed object type OBA by drawing the object surface and connecting it to surface 1. That area is presumed filled with the immersion medium.

5.The program that prepares a step file of the lens, STFILE, has been enhanced.Now the native spherical shape and rotationally symmetric edges are all used where appropriate, and we have tested the results on eDrawings and ABViewer. You should not have to use the panel option anymore, which will reduce the size of the step file by almost a factor of 50. The PANELS mode is still available, in case your CAD program stumbles on the new files.

Bugs Fixed:

1.There were no bugs reported this update.