
SYNOPSYS™15.45 版本发布

The update to version 15.45 incorporates the following changes:


1. The top menu bar has been extended. For new users, this makes it a little easier to find the dialog you want. For experienced users, of course, it is entirely unnecessary, because the mnemonics are so easy to remember.

2. The DMASK ... ZONE analysis has been improved. Before, it sampled the aperture at 10 000 points and located the nearest zone with that precision. For fine fringes, this was not always accurate enough. Now it interpolates between those locations and is more precise.

3. A new command, CDIST, will analyze the distortion pattern over the field and return a set of interpolation coefficients that model that pattern. This is intended for use with digital displays, where one can compensate for lens distortion with an opposite distortion there. The coefficients tell you how to adjust things. The analysis can be done in each color, for cases where you also want to compensate for lateral color.

4. The Text Select button is gone. Now you can always select text lines from the Command Window. Typing anything in that window will automatically scroll to the bottom, where input has to go.

5. We have added another lesson to the Online Tutorials. Number 47 shows how to design a 30X zoom lens with three moving groups and 15 corrected zooms. We provide this lesson in response to a new user's request to support up to 45 zoom positions, which may indeed be necessary when using a competitor's primitive product. Unaware of the power and sophistication of SYNOPSYS, he assumed the same would be true here. But such a large number of zooms is not required when one has the sophisticated tools for the job provided by SYNOPSYS.

Bugs Fixed:

1. BTOL did not work properly if PFTEST was active and the lenses were extremely small.